GRRF janv 2000

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Compte rendu de la réunion du 31 janvier 2000 /4 février 20000 du GRRF. Source : Site internet des Nations Unies à Genève

REGULATION No. 89 (Speed limitation devices)

Documentation: TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/1999/15; informal documents Nos. 9 and 14 of annex 1 to this report.

48.      The expert from France reminded GRRF of the presentation of the proposal (TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/1999/15) which he had made during the forty-sixth session (TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/46, paras. 86 to 88).  He also stressed that WP.29 had requested GRRF to provide a set of prescriptions to amend Regulation No. 89 in order to introduce in its scope M1 and N1 categories of vehicles (TRANS/WP.29/663, para. 19).  At the request of the expert from OICA, he said that the speed limitation devices would be mandatory for new types of vehicles and shared the opinion of this expert that the design of the devices should not be restrictive.

49.      The Chairman introduced informal document No. 14 in which he had presented key principles in relation to the proposed amendments to Regulation No. 89.  He expressed the wish that these principles might be taken into account by the drafting group.

50.      GRRF considered the principles suggested by the Chairman and agreed on the following:

(i)                   All motor vehicle categories should be equipped with variable systems.  Fixed system will remain on M3, N2 and N3 categories of vehicles,

(ii)                  a speed range and intervals should be considered (from [5/10]km/h),

(iii)          a visual display of limiting speed was considered to be necessary,

(iv)                 the performance requirements for speed limitation should be reviewed.

51.      GRRF did not conclude considerations concerning the issues of performance requirements for reducing the speed of vehicles and more accurate speedometers.  It was also decided that the use of brakes for reducing the speed and the illumination of the stop lamps should not be allowed.

52.      GRRF agreed that a drafting group, chaired by the expert from France, would revise the proposal of document TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/1999/15, taking into account the principles agreed by GRRF (see para. 50 above).  It was also agreed that the first meeting of this drafting group would be in Paris

on 25 and 26 April 2000.  The experts were kindly requested to indicate to the expert from France their intention to take part in to the meeting (see annex 3 to this report).

53.      The expert from Japan was invited especially invited to join the drafting group in order to present his views on this issue, as contained in attachment 2 of informal document No. 9.